Friday, September 25, 2020

Te reo maori week

I am learning about what we did in te reo week. 
 I found it easy to make it nice
 I found it hard to writ what i'm gonna writ about 
 Next time ad more detail about te reo week

Rangi and Papa

I am learning about the story Rangi and Papa
 I found it easy to add in all of the photos of rangi and papa's sons 
I found it hard to writ about Rangi and Papa
 Next time I will I wil understand more words about rangi and papa

Monday, September 21, 2020

Saving our environment

I am learning about how people are littering.
 I found it easy to write about i'm gonna write about. 
 I found it hard to make sure it makes scents.
 Next time I will do more writing about saving our environment

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Rugby is better sport than netball

I am learning about Rugby is better sport than netball I found it easy to make the background nice   I found it hard to write my words about rugby Next time I will tell you more things about rugby.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

My book review

I am learning about life jackets. what hey used to float on top of the water I found it easy to to writ all my words that in full scents I found it hard to say the word cork because I did not no what it ment.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

How to play scratch

I am learning to make an movie with my team 
 I found it easy to do the background
 I found it hard to add my video  Next time I will do more things about scratch

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Dogs are better than cats

We were trying  to persuade someone that dogs are better than cats or cats are better than dogs

I am learning to persuade someone to think dogs are better than cats.

I found it easy to write all my paragraphs.

I found it hard to make a slideshow.

Next time I will do more scents.